All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Burmese)

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 9:

Burma is known as a golden land made of several ranges (or ‘Yoma’ in Burmese) where thousands of tribal memories, wisdoms, religions, cultures and beauties of plants and animals dwell. The rivers, all of them are indeed important to the people and other existences, snake through these beautiful mountainous regions and flow from the north to the south where Indian Ocean is. The peoples, Burma has 103 ethnics, all of them used to be really generous and all they knew was to give.

Since the modern day’s dictators have systematically destroyed, now the golden land is famous for its narcotic trades, refugees, migrant workers and various atrocities and sufferings.

One day, we’ll be free again and the land will be again famous for its beauty.

Did Burma really have some cultural link with Inuit?

This chopper was bought in Burma. It does not have a sharpened blade to it - the width of the curved piece is the same all along it, so it is not made for cutting, but perhaps for chopping. It is built in the same way that an ulu (for Inuit people) is in the north. The handle is brass and the "blade" is white metal (steel?). The handle is 3 1/8 inches long and 3/4 inch in diameter. The distance from the top of the handle to the bottom of the blade is 3 3/4 inches long. Less than 50 yrs old.

What do you think?:
Did Burma really have some cultural link with Inuit?
If it did, some of the ethnics of Burma must come from the same link. But only the DNAs of both people can prove this I guess. As the historians have claimed, some Burmese ethnics came from the north - including the major groups: Bama, Mon, Rakhine, Shan, etc. And also the Inuits are believed to be from Asia.

2. It could be culture exchange or spread occurred in a very ancient time!

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