All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Burmese)

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 9:

Burma is known as a golden land made of several ranges (or ‘Yoma’ in Burmese) where thousands of tribal memories, wisdoms, religions, cultures and beauties of plants and animals dwell. The rivers, all of them are indeed important to the people and other existences, snake through these beautiful mountainous regions and flow from the north to the south where Indian Ocean is. The peoples, Burma has 103 ethnics, all of them used to be really generous and all they knew was to give.

Since the modern day’s dictators have systematically destroyed, now the golden land is famous for its narcotic trades, refugees, migrant workers and various atrocities and sufferings.

One day, we’ll be free again and the land will be again famous for its beauty.

ST. P.



I wonder -
what if the junta got no more international attention, from EU, US, etc., but it would be allowed to do whatever with its ambitions and plans concerning politics, self-enrichments and arms developments with North Korea?
Politics and self-enrichments might not affect regional countries but what about its contacts with the North Korea?

I think we can let that happen so the regional countries would get interested in Burma's politics. It wouldn't take much time but a single decade only - and we will certainly know.

If Burma Goes Nuclear!
Would Burma achieve nuclear ...?
I think it's to do with how much money the junta can make during the available time to develop nuclear ambition. Technology is not a problem - whatever the junta achieve - it achieves - whether a bad rocket or a bad nuclear generator. Hopefully no accidence would happen. But if an accidence occurs in summer time, it would reach China and India.



tHIS is very true.

Just look the two communist countries: China and N. Korea. China has shown two opposite systems, communism and capitalism, can be put together. Maybe it's sort of a social-democratic methodology - except we have to witness how extreme China will go with the two main systems of the world.

Extreme capitalism has screwed the Americans. The extreme communism has screwed both N. Korea and China. If China goes with the extremism of both system, that will screw the world.

In reality, a communist country cannot become prosperous. In the making of new China, as it is now, the West poured it with huge volume of investments - in the hope that China might change into democracy. And now China and ASEAN bosses are making Burma into WHAT?.

When Capitalism and Military Brutalism meet, what will happen - in the hand of China and in the joy of N. Korea?

I don't mean China or N Korea would cause WWIII or international open war. We all know the tension will stay intensifying at the Korean Peninsula before the two Koreas become one. As long as China stays behind the North, the Northern regime can survive - but with what cost will the world keep that relationship strong and threatening?

My concern should be particularly on Burma-China relationship. I do focus on that but China is the newest protagonist of the world that can shape and form an outcome that seems quite predictable. Actually, the world will never become short of dictators and egocentric self-claimed leaders. But their unity once caused the cold war where they made their countries war-fields. And their unity is emerging again and unfortunately China seems to lead them just like the Soviet Union did. Perhaps that wouldn't affect Burma that much as she has been the battlefield of world's longest civil war - as Burman domination fueling the fire. Yet China's role can be quite significant and that is the war of Burmanization might become complete and the dreams of self-domination of the oppressed ethnics would never come true.

Actually, Burma and China have shared the same trait of colonialist characters as China has its power on the sovereignty of Tibetan people. Once Burmanization is completed, the need of power game of the military brutalism would focus on something else. Perhaps the regime of Burma would never end the civil war even if it could. This prospect of Burma just makes me to yearn more for the freedom of the peoples Burma.


An Oxford 'Proverb' book states this sentence -

If There Were No Receivers, There Would Be No Thieves

That is quite inspiring. We ALL know the reason behind how the Big Thief can steal nationwide - but that sentence is just a spotlight on the black spot of Burma.

I used 'The Unity Of Thieves' a few times before though borrowed from what I read.

Another proverb is -

If The Mountain Will Not Come To Mahomet, Mahomet Must Go To The Mountain

Burma was a close country. Once the Thieves opened Burma in the 1990s, there the RECEIVERS just arrived in with lightening speed. The reality is quite clear - they'd never leave – and the reason for that is quite clear too.

For smaller thieves, pawnshops would be enough.
But the thieves who have racked and ransacked the whole country need more than Engagement Policy, Non-Interference Policy and the Big Banks to save their moneys. The greatest achievement for the thieves was the IMMUNITY from INTERVENTION. They Did it. It was the Knockout Blow onto the Jaw of Burma – little hope it had was just evaporated. There came the bloody events that proved how important Engagement Policy and Immunity from Intervention are to the thieves.

How can Engagement Policy be more positive as receiving all the plunders that the thieves sell to them than sanction that don't receive any of the stolen property? I'm really excited to ask this question but, sigh! hopeless to get the answer.

Is there any better way to describe what really happening in Burma? I’m not happy so I can no way please the thieves and the receivers. I hope you readers understand.

Anyway, I'd be Okay with the TOURISM that share with all parties: the tourists, the ordinary Burmese people who need income, the thieves who just steal anything they see possible, the tourism industries and transportation sectors. In this case, the thieves only get a share out of five so I'm alright with that amount.


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